Modern Mom Probs by Tara Clark

Modern Mom Probs by Tara Clark

Author:Tara Clark
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: N/A
Publisher: Post Hill Press
Published: 2021-02-11T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 5


Before you were their mother, you were someone. This chapter celebrates you, the twenty-first century mother. You’re still you, only now you got some kids. Remember that!

#52. Self-Care: The Most Overused Word of the Millennium

“Oh, just get your nails done.”

“Have a spa day then you’ll feel better.”

“A bath will rejuvenate your spirit.”

“Scream into a pillow, then you can deal with your family again.”

Ok, maybe the last one actually works (my husband taught me that one, seriously).

Self-care, the most overused word of the millennium, provides us the hope of refreshing and recharging our batteries. There are hundreds of books about self-care. Brands are dedicated to it. It’s becoming a trope, but that doesn’t make it any less important.

Yes, we know we need to take care of ourselves. Yes, trust me, we want to. No one wants to feel like they are running on empty. But self-care is a matter of how and when, and how feasible is it? As mothers, we pour so much from our bucket that we often have mere droplets left at the end of the day. Self-care is more than just upkeeping your aesthetics, like nails or roots (if those are important to you, then rock on, girl!).

For me, self-care has been about identifying what depletes me—persons, places, things. If this resonates with you, I suggest you write it out in a journal. Bullet point it. See it. Cross it out. And then take some action by avoiding these energy vampires to change your situation. Toxic relationships with friends and family members can suck your battery faster than your kid playing video games on your cell phone while Mom keeps calling you about something.

Self-care is actually self-preservation. Saying “no” to people’s constant demands of you may be your form of self-care. Telling your significant other you need a few minutes of uninterrupted quiet to be yours. Don’t diminish it, whatever it is. It’s just as important as taking an hour to fill in your acrylics or blow out your hair.

Things that Recharge My Batteries:

5.) Taking a shower and shaving my legs

4.) When my husband makes me coffee without my asking

3.) When my son lets me use the bathroom and scroll in peace

2.) Sitting in the car in my driveway to finish listening to that song I haven’t heard in years

1.) A playdate with a mom who “gets it” and totally restores my faith in humanity

Since I know how to charge my batteries, I wanted to speak with an expert about recharging your batteries, so I asked Dr. Jennifer Blossom, occupational therapist, CEO/founder of Blossoming Moms to share her secrets.

Here are Dr. Blossom’s top five tips to simplify your motherhood:

1. Define your priorities.

If schedules, responsibilities, and the commitments of your day-to-day life make motherhood feel more like a big blur instead of a meaningful journey, then you need to start prioritizing, girl! Begin prioritizing by listing out the top three things that are most important to you and your family. From there, be okay with saying “no” to everything else.


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